Silver is a versatile marvel that has facinated humanity and been used as MONEY for thousands of years.
Did this subject get your attention?
If so, just read on...You probably already know how vitally important sleep is to your overall health.
.. it's definitely one of THE most important things you can do for your health, along with your nutrition and exercise.
This information is from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily is a look at 5 reasons why sleeping naked
actually increases the quality of your sleep, and gives you multiple health benefits...
Not getting enough sleep promotes:
- weight gain, diabetes, and heart problems
-You are more likely to get sick more often when you are sleep-deprived
-Sleep deprivation hurts your heart
-A lack of sleep can increase your risk of developing certain types of cancer
-Sleep deprivation messes with your mind
-Your sex drive will suffer when you are tired
Take it all off for better sleep There are many things we can do to encourage better sleep.
Along with eating right, getting plenty of exercise, and removing electronic devices from your bedroom,
you could also try sleeping naked! It’s not a joke
— sleeping in the nude may help you to get better Z’s!
A body of research is finding that regulating sleep temperature may bring some relief to people living
with insomnia. Based on this medical research, it may be worth shedding your clothes, as well as that
heavy blanket, or have any difficulty falling asleep at night...
And it may also:
1. It may help with insomnia
2. It may encourage greater intimacy
3. It can keep you cool
4. It can help relieve stress
5. It can keep you looking and feeling young.
In addition to the above-listed benefits, sleeping naked lets your skin breathe, so you may be less
susceptible to heat rashes and skin breakouts, and it may lower the chance of women developing
a yeast infection, as the vagina is kept cool and dry. Also, it means less laundry — and who needs
to do unnecessary laundry?
And again, sleeping naked couldn’t hurt — and may help a lot!
So why not give it a shot, what can it hurt?
I have tried it and WORKS GREAT FOR ME!
Take Care and Talk soon,
Trin Rios is an internet entrepreneur who's out making thing happen in a real world: running campaigns, getting traffic, selling great products, and generating income on the internet.
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Silver is a versatile marvel that has facinated humanity and been used as MONEY for thousands of years.
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